Sunday, May 17, 2009

Knocking on Knox County's Door

Have you ever received a present not expecting it to contain much? Then you open it to find the most magnificent treasure imaginable. This would be my trip to Knox County. As Regional Coordinator of the Texas Plains Trail Region, you can't even believe the wonderful places I get to go. Everyone of them unique. Everyone of them different. But KNOX COUNTY! Wow and double WOW! This place knocked my socks off with their accomplishments made by their creative, stick-to-it, won't say no attitude. This is the finest example of community partnerships. The towns of Knox City, Goree, Truscott, Munday, and Benjamin have joined forces to showoff the best things in their county. It is rural tourism at its finest. Laying aside school rivalries within the county, these towns have listed their assests, made goals, and like a house on fire, set off to get them done. Everything from quaint shopping stores, decorated tractors, precious bed & breakfasts, hunting opportunities, ranch tours, salvaged buildings, car collections, watermelon feasts--I'm not kidding, I'm in love with this county. I am planning to take visitors to Knox County for an "inspirational tour." They have set the standard for other communities to follow. Visit their website today to find out more: You will find the people who'll welcome you with open arms. Drop in, won't ya? The visit will make you smile. Tell em' Deborah Sue sent you. Find out more awesome places in our region at:

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Tales from the Plains Trail Region

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Borger, Texas Plains Trail Region, United States
Striving to inspire others to travel the rugged-beauty of the Texas Plains Trail Region where the grass is greener, the people are friendlier, and the sky is blue. Wow! A great place to live is a great place to visit. C'mon visit the "Texas You Will Remember."
